President Tinubu's Commitment to TVET Praised by the National Board for Technical Education (NBTE)

Transforming Technical Education for National Development
12 October 2023 by
President Tinubu's Commitment to TVET Praised by the National Board for Technical Education (NBTE)
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Prof. Idris Bugaje, the Executive Secretary of the National Board for Technical Education (NBTE), recently praised President Bola Tinubu for his commitment to prioritizing Technical and Vocational Education Training (TVET) in his policy document. This demonstrates Tinubu's dedication to improving technical education for the benefit of the country. Bugaje also emphasized the significance of increasing the number of technical colleges in Nigeria, considering that nearly 60% of the population is young. Empowering these young individuals through TVET is crucial, and Bugaje expressed optimism that Tinubu's efforts would result in the expansion of technical colleges, which play a crucial role in supplying polytechnics and producing skilled technicians.

  • The Need for Adequate Funding & Infrastructure

Bugaje appealed to President Tinubu to provide sufficient funding for technical education. He emphasized that many technical schools suffer from dilapidated infrastructure, such as leaking roofs, outdated machinery, and a lack of necessary materials. Bugaje stressed the importance of reviving the sector by investing in infrastructure, training teachers and instructors, and acquiring state-of-the-art equipment. 

  • Incorporating the Informal Skills Sector

Bugaje also highlighted the significance of including the informal skills sector in TVET training programs. By doing so, Nigeria can reduce its reliance on importing skilled manpower from other countries. Bugaje mentioned successful examples like the Apo mechanic village in Abuja, the Ariaria market in Aba and Computer Village in Lagos. He emphasized the need for certification and quality assurance in these sectors to ensure the production of skilled workers.

  • Industrial Development & Growth in Nigeria

Bugaje highlighted the importance of mobilizing resources for Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) in order to drive industrialization in Nigeria. He proposed focusing on the informal skills sector, training technicians and craftsmen, and establishing more polytechnics. This approach would not only meet the needs of domestic industries but also attract international ones. 

Bugaje even suggested converting underperforming universities into polytechnics to better align with the country's development goals. President Tinubu's commitment to prioritizing TVET in his administration's policy document is a significant step towards transforming technical education in Nigeria. With sufficient funding, improved infrastructure, and the inclusion of the informal skills sector, Nigeria can empower its youth, produce skilled workers, and stimulate industrialisation and overall development.

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