Comprehensive Guide To Small Scale African Catfish Farming

Comprehensive Guide To Small Scale African Catfish Farming

This manual has been developed for the classroom training and demonstration. It comprises catfish farming management best practices from pre-stocking management to marketing.

The structure of the manual allows for flexibility in undertaking future training opportunities, by utilising a modular format, with each module containing its own supporting information.  This flexibility, therefore, facilitates targeting of groups with different levels of formal education, courses with particular emphases, and varying time availability of potential participants.

Author: Western Region Coastal Foundation, Ghana

Last Update 15/10/2023
Completion Time 6 hours 35 minutes
Members 13
Animal Husbandry Fish Farming Agribusiness Agriculture & Animal Husbandry Free Ebook Beginner
    • Comprehensive Guide to Small Scale African Catfish Farming (PDF)

Contents include:

  • Introduction to African Catfish Farming as a Business
  • Module 1: Pre-Stocking Management
  • Module 2: Stocking Management
  • Module 3: Post Stocking Management
  • Module 4: Harvesting & Marketing