Constructing A Roof - Carpentry Level 5

Constructing A Roof - Carpentry Level 5

This video is about constructing a roof in carpentry, focusing on the different steps and techniques used in the process. The instructor first goes over the tools and materials needed for the job, including timber, roofing sheets, and nails. The video then covers the process of measuring and cutting the timber, including the use of a power saw. The instructor also discusses the importance of measuring and marking accurately to ensure a good fit for the roof. Once the timber is cut, the instructor demonstrates how to create a roof frame using joists and rafters. The video then moves on to the installation of the roofing sheets, with the instructor showing how to lay and secure them in place. Finally, the video covers the process of adding finishing touches, such as guttering, to complete the roof. Throughout the video, safety precautions are emphasized, such as wearing appropriate protective gear and working with caution when using power tools.

Last Update 08/03/2023
Completion Time 15 minutes
Members 1
Building & Construction Carpentry & Joinery Free Video Lesson Advanced
    • Rwanda Polytechnic - Carpentry - Level 5 - Constructing a Roof - 1 of 3