Lighting & Switching Oxyacetylene Gas - Welding Level 3

Lighting & Switching Oxyacetylene Gas - Welding Level 3

The video teaches how to properly light and switch off an oxyacetylene gas torch for welding. It covers the use of a cylinder key, pressure regulation, nozzle cleaning, and flame types. Safety precautions such as wearing goggles and keeping the cylinder key nearby are emphasized. The steps to safely shut off the welding torch are also explained, including releasing the remaining gas in the hose pipe. Different types of flames are discussed, each with varying temperatures and used for different purposes in oxyacetylene gas welding.

Last Update 06/03/2023
Completion Time 13 minutes
Members 2
Building & Construction Welding & Fabrication Free Video Lesson Intermediate
    • Rwanda Polytechnic - Welding - Level 3 - Lighting & Switching Oxyacetylene Gas - 1 of 1