Partitioning - Carpentry Level 4

Partitioning - Carpentry Level 4

In partitioning, a carpenter creates a dividing wall in a room or space. The process begins with measuring and marking the area where the partition will be installed. The carpenter then constructs a frame using timber or metal studs, which is secured to the floor and ceiling. The frame is covered with plasterboard or drywall, which is then taped and filled to create a smooth surface. The carpenter can then add doors, windows, or other features to the partition as needed. Finally, the finished partition is painted or decorated according to the client's specifications.

Last Update 08/03/2023
Completion Time 15 minutes
Members 1
Building & Construction Carpentry & Joinery Free Video Lesson Intermediate
    • Carpentry - Level 4 - Partitioning - Lesson 1