Turkey Management Guide

Turkey Management Guide

Turkey farming is very popular in western countries and the major turkey producing countries are USA, Canada, Germany, France, Italy, Netherlands and the United Kingdom.  

Turkey farming is in infancy in India.  However, serious efforts are being made at Central Poultry Development Organisation (Southern Region), Hessarghatta, Bangalore to promote turkey farming. 

Author: Central Poultry Development Organisation (SR), Govt. of India

Last Update 15/10/2023
Completion Time 1 hour 20 minutes
Members 8
Animal Husbandry Poultry Farming Agribusiness Agriculture & Animal Husbandry Free Ebook Beginner
    • Turkey- Management Guide (PDF)

Contents include:

  • Introduction - Overview of Turkey Farming in India
  • Breeds of Turkeys 
  • Management Practices in Turkey Farming
  • Breeding Practices
  • Marketing of Turkeys
  • Common Diseases of Turkey