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Beekeeping - Training Manuals
Beekeeping - Training Manuals

These training manuals in “Beekeeping” (NSQF compliant level 4), comprises of theory and practical components.  This programme is designed for youths of rural and semi urban areas who are interested in a career in the beekeeping sector.

Competencies covered include; to carry out beekeeping operations right from understanding bee biology and behaviour to harvesting and processing of products. 

Author: National Institute of Open Schooling - Government of India

Beekeeping in the Caribbean
Beekeeping in the Caribbean

This professional training lesson provides participants with a comprehensive overview of beekeeping and honey production in the Caribbean. Participants will begin by gaining an understanding of the ecological importance of bees, basic honey bee biology and health & safety for beekeepers. This will be followed by exploring hive boxes, how to collect & analyze data through apiculture and tools & personal protective equipment used for management of bees. Disease & predators of honeybees will also be covered. 

Additionally, economic factors related to apiculture such as honey production, value-added products, packaging standards and gender considerations in beekeeping will be discussed. By completing this training lesson, participants will have a more informed knowledge base related to sustainable practices employed in Apicultural activities throughout the Caribbean region.

Author: Iyanola Apiculture Collective

Beekeeping Business Opportunities in Nigeria
Beekeeping Business Opportunities in Nigeria

FarmerHubTV interviews Mr. Oduntan Adeshina CEO Bee - Craft Consult LLC USA (Utah) a German Trained Beekeeper to discuss on one of Nigeria's untapped goldmines and business opportunities.

Beekeeping is often promoted in the context of rural development because the practice provides monetary, nutritional, and social benefits to poor families, without requiring land ownership or large amounts of capital investment. It can be practiced as an additional source of income for farmers in rural areas and has been successfully implemented in poverty-alleviating projects.  Beekeeping plays a major role in the socio-economic development of rural livelihoods.  Beekeeping is a lucrative business if set up properly.