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Comprehensive Guide To Small Scale African Catfish Farming
Comprehensive Guide To Small Scale African Catfish Farming

This manual has been developed for the classroom training and demonstration. It comprises catfish farming management best practices from pre-stocking management to marketing.

The structure of the manual allows for flexibility in undertaking future training opportunities, by utilising a modular format, with each module containing its own supporting information.  This flexibility, therefore, facilitates targeting of groups with different levels of formal education, courses with particular emphases, and varying time availability of potential participants.

Author: Western Region Coastal Foundation, Ghana

Setting Up A Poultry Business In Nigeria
Setting Up A Poultry Business In Nigeria

Poultry farming has existed since society began.  The industry, like other branches of agricultrue in Nigeria forms the basis of the culture.  It is a way of life.  It started from the subsistence level where people reared birds for domestic purposes and over time, it developed into a means of earning income.

A poultry farming business focuses on raising domestic birds commercially for their eggs and meat.  Such domestic birds include chickens, turkeys, ducks, geese and guinea fowls.

Author: Lagos State Employment Trust Fund (LSETF)

Poultry Keeping & Management
Poultry Keeping & Management

Poultry keeping is one of the most popular forms of businesses among small-scale farmers. This is because poultry requires little capital, is easy to rear and easy to manage. Poultry keeping thus provides farmers with a great opportunity to start an income generating activity.

The aim of this course is to provide you with all the knowledge and skills you need to raise poultry for meat and eggs and manage a small-scale commercial poultry business. This main target group of this course is farmers who are interested in starting a poultry business. However, extension workers and other stakeholders who are interested in working with small-scale poultry farmers will also benefit. There are many types of poultry but in this course it focuses on chicken.

Instructor: Commonwealth of Learning

Poultry Rearing
Poultry Rearing

Poultry rearing is a profitable business. You can make a profit by investing just a little amount of money into this business. Specific skills are needed to operate a poultry farm. It is therefore important to be trained on poultry rearing before starting a business.  

This ebook was created for the ehancement of livelihood skills for people with limited reading skills.  It was developed by the Center for International Education & Development (CINED) and published by Dhaka Ahsania Mission with support from Common Wealth of Learning.

Author: Commonwealth of Learning

Turkey Management Guide
Turkey Management Guide

Turkey farming is very popular in western countries and the major turkey producing countries are USA, Canada, Germany, France, Italy, Netherlands and the United Kingdom.  

Turkey farming is in infancy in India.  However, serious efforts are being made at Central Poultry Development Organisation (Southern Region), Hessarghatta, Bangalore to promote turkey farming. 

Author: Central Poultry Development Organisation (SR), Govt. of India

Fish Pond Construction & Management
Fish Pond Construction & Management

This handbook serves as a quick reference manual and informative material to cause the interest of the general public and stimulate investment in fish farming.  This guide provides quality, field proven technical information to everyone interested in fish pond production in a fresh water environment.

The manual was produced by the Fisheries component of the National Special Programme for Food Security (NSPFS), Abuja, Nigeria.

Author: Sneyers, G.; Ingawa, S.A. (NSPFS)

Beekeeping - Training Manuals
Beekeeping - Training Manuals

These training manuals in “Beekeeping” (NSQF compliant level 4), comprises of theory and practical components.  This programme is designed for youths of rural and semi urban areas who are interested in a career in the beekeeping sector.

Competencies covered include; to carry out beekeeping operations right from understanding bee biology and behaviour to harvesting and processing of products. 

Author: National Institute of Open Schooling - Government of India

Fish Production & Management
Fish Production & Management

In Nigeria, the demand for fish is being met through two main sources which are domestic production and importation from foreign countries. The domestic production is from artisanal, industrial and culture fisheries with artisanal fisheries accounting for as much as 85% of total fish production, while industrial and culture fisheries accounted for 1% and 14% respectively. Due to the insufficiency of domestic production of fish, importation of fish and fish products accounts for more than half of fish supply in the country.

This training manual will focus on the areas of fish farming and general aquaculture practices as a means to diversify income for target groups.

A video lesson is also included; you will get tips on how to manage and take care of fish.

Beekeeping in the Caribbean
Beekeeping in the Caribbean

This professional training lesson provides participants with a comprehensive overview of beekeeping and honey production in the Caribbean. Participants will begin by gaining an understanding of the ecological importance of bees, basic honey bee biology and health & safety for beekeepers. This will be followed by exploring hive boxes, how to collect & analyze data through apiculture and tools & personal protective equipment used for management of bees. Disease & predators of honeybees will also be covered. 

Additionally, economic factors related to apiculture such as honey production, value-added products, packaging standards and gender considerations in beekeeping will be discussed. By completing this training lesson, participants will have a more informed knowledge base related to sustainable practices employed in Apicultural activities throughout the Caribbean region.

Author: Iyanola Apiculture Collective

Financial Literacy for Livestocks
Financial Literacy for Livestocks

This training manual is intended to serve as a guide for trainers to provide the necessary and relevant training methodologies and techniques to improve the financial literacy of the beneficiaries in the goat and pork value chains.

Author:  Zimbabwe Agricultural Growth Programme (ZAGP) 

Beekeeping Business Opportunities in Nigeria
Beekeeping Business Opportunities in Nigeria

FarmerHubTV interviews Mr. Oduntan Adeshina CEO Bee - Craft Consult LLC USA (Utah) a German Trained Beekeeper to discuss on one of Nigeria's untapped goldmines and business opportunities.

Beekeeping is often promoted in the context of rural development because the practice provides monetary, nutritional, and social benefits to poor families, without requiring land ownership or large amounts of capital investment. It can be practiced as an additional source of income for farmers in rural areas and has been successfully implemented in poverty-alleviating projects.  Beekeeping plays a major role in the socio-economic development of rural livelihoods.  Beekeeping is a lucrative business if set up properly.