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Cellphone Software Repair - Electronics 3
Cellphone Software Repair - Electronics 3

This video lesson teaches you how to repair software problems on cellphones. It covers topics such as:

  • How to identify software problems
  • How to troubleshoot software problems
  • How to fix software problems

The lesson also includes a number of practical exercises that will help you to learn the skills that you need to repair software problems on cellphones.

This video lesson is designed for students who are new to cellphone software repair. It is a great way to learn the skills that you need to repair software problems on cellphones and to get started with your cellphone software repair career.

Here are some of the key takeaways from the video lesson:

  • The first step in repairing a software problem on a cellphone is to identify the problem.
  • Once you have identified the problem, you need to troubleshoot the problem to find the cause.
  • Once you have found the cause of the problem, you can fix the problem.

Cellphone Hardware Repair - Electronics Level 3
Cellphone Hardware Repair - Electronics Level 3

This video lesson teaches you how to repair hardware problems on cellphones. It covers topics such as:

  • How to identify hardware problems
  • How to troubleshoot hardware problems
  • How to fix hardware problems

The lesson also includes a number of practical exercises that will help you to learn the skills that you need to repair hardware problems on cellphones.

This video lesson is designed for students who are new to cellphone hardware repair. It is a great way to learn the skills that you need to repair hardware problems on cellphones and to get started with your cellphone hardware repair career.

GSM Repairs & Maintenance - Levels 1 & 2
GSM Repairs & Maintenance - Levels 1 & 2

National Occupational Standards for the Engineering Sector in Nigeria - GSM Repairs & Maintenance - Levels 1 & 2. 

Approved by the National Board for Technical Education (NBTE) - National Skills Qualification (NSQ), Nigeria