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Intro to Digital Photography
Intro to Digital Photography

With this free ebook you will learn and master the basic features of your camera to gain better control of your photos.  Individualized chapters on each of the cameras basic functions as well as cheat sheets you can download and print for use while shooting.

Contents include; Camera Controls, Image File Formats, Understanding Digital Camera Modes,  Understanding Your Camera’s Drive Modes, Focusing Modes, Focusing Basics, White Balance, The Exposure Triangle, Introduction to Aperture in Photography, Introduction to Shutter Speed in Photography, Introduction to ISO in Photography, Understanding Metering and Metering Modes, What is Exposure Compensation & How to Use It, Taking the Shot   

Author: Lawrence Neuberger

Ultimate Field Guide to Photography
Ultimate Field Guide to Photography

This free ebook contains straightforward explanations of both simple, all-but-foolproof equipment like inexpensive autofocus point-and-shoot cameras and of sophisticated lenses.

It also covers important accessories; provides advice of all kinds, from key facts and basic tips for beginners to advanced techniques for skilled amateurs; and addresses the essentials of editing, scanning and printing, effective archiving, and more. Along with digital information, there is also a lot of material on traditional film, from old techniques to helpful sidebars on when to use film rather than digital. 

Author: National Geographic

Exploring Movie Construction & Production
Exploring Movie Construction & Production

The discussion covers theme, genre, narrative structure, character portrayal, story, plot, directing style, cinematography, and editing. Important terminology is defined and types of analysis are discussed and demonstrated. 
An extended example of how a movie description reflects the setting, narrative structure,

Cinematography - Job Specification
Cinematography - Job Specification

Records film, television production, music video, documentaries using a video camera.

Related Occupations: Film Director, Lighting Director, Art Director, Sound Engineering, Location Manager

Author: Industrial Training Fund, Technical & Vocational Skills Training Department, Nigeria

Moving Pictures: An Introduction to Cinema
Moving Pictures: An Introduction to Cinema

A free ebook and open-source introduction to the art and science of cinema. From the earliest iterations to the latest innovations, this introductory text explores the tools and techniques of mise-en-scene, narrative form, cinematography, editing, sound and acting, how each has contributed to the evolution of cinematic language, and how that evolution implicates critical issues of representation in mass media.  Moving Pictures offers in-depth examination of how cinema communicates, and what, exactly, it is trying to say.

Contents include;  A Brief History of Cinema, How to Watch a Movie, Mise-en-Scène, Narrative, Cinematography, Editing, Sound, Acting, Women in Cinema, African Americans in Cinema.

Author: Russell Sharman 


This ebook covers all aspects of exposure, whether you are using a film or a digital camera. Technical concepts are identified and explained in a straightforward manner, through clear diagrams and in a concise glossary.  The book is illustrated throughout with creative, thought-provoking images – many taken especially – from contemporary practitioners and classic sources.  There are also four(4) open source video lessons which cover the topics; exposure, shutter, IOS and aperture.

Ebook Author: David Prakel

Video Lessons: Michelle Marusek - YouTube

Camera Operator
Camera Operator

This training manual is a skill development programme for camera operators aligned to the National Occupational Standard (NOS) MES/ Q 0902 of Media and Entertainment Skills Council, India.

Author: Commonwealth of Learning

The Photographer's Guide to Copyright
The Photographer's Guide to Copyright

Get tips to keep your work safe, plus read in-depth interviews from photographers and experts from American Society of Media Photographers (ASMP), including Executive Director Eugene Mopsik and General Counsel and Managing Director Vic Perlman, who address:

  • Major trends in copyright today
  • How to make copyright registration part of your workflow
  • The risks to weigh before posting your photos to social networks
  • What counts as “Fair Use”, plus major learnings from recent court cases
  • Copyright for motion and video 
  • What it takes to bring an infringement case to court and ways to avoid it

Author: PhotoShelter & The American Society of Media Photographers 

The Imaginary Geography of Hollywood Cinema 1960–2000
The Imaginary Geography of Hollywood Cinema 1960–2000

The Imaginary Geography of Hollywood Cinema 1960-2000 combines digital cartography with close readings of representative films to write a history of twentieth century Hollywood narrative cinema at the intersection of the geographies of narrative location, production, consumption and taste in the post-classical era, before the rise of digital cinema.

This text reorients and redraws the boundaries of film history both literally and figuratively by cataloguing films’ narrative locations on digital maps to examine where Hollywood locates its narratives over time. 

Author: Christian B. Long

Light & Photography
Light & Photography

One of the most important elements to get a good photo is the lighting. It is essential for the photograph to be obtained with the best results, since it is useless to take a good shot without proper lighting.

There are several types of photographic lighting, the first is natural, which comes from the sun, the clarity of the day, a light that the photographer must know how to handle, since being a natural light you do not have control of it, you just learn to use it.  The second type of lighting is artificial lighting, which comes from created objects such as ring lights, reflectors, etc. The main characteristic of this type of light is that it does not vary, so it is controllable, and can be used at any time and place.  This ebook looks at lighting as it pertains to photography.

Author: Abhey Singh 

Radio & Television Theory N2/N3
Radio & Television Theory N2/N3
N 3,900

N2/N3 Radio and Television Theory is one of many publications introducing the gateways to Engineering Studies. This ebook is designed to develop the skills for learners that are studying toward an artisanship in radio and television related fields and to assist them to achieve their full potential.

This ebook, with its modular competence-based approach, is aimed at assisting facilitators and learners alike.  With its comprehensive understanding of the engineering construction environment.

The subject mater is presented as worked examples in the problem-solving-result methodology sequence, supported by numerous and clear illustrations. Practical activities are included throughout the book.  The author is one who is well known and respected in the manufacturing, engineering and related technology fields.  Their extensive experience provides an excellent base for further study, as well as a broad understanding of the technology and the knowledge to succeed.

Author: Thomas D. Dillon, Hybrid Learning Solutions

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